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Video Testimonial for UNAPEN IT & CyberSecurity Services for Non-Profits – Maryann Ott, Executive Director of NewAlliance Foundation in New Haven, CT Gives UNAPEN ITComplete 5 Stars!


NewAlliance Foundation is a charitable foundation that makes grants to the non-profit community in the Greater New Haven area and in other parts of Connecticut. They separated from their parent corporate entity in 2011, and needed to hire an IT firm to handle all of their IT needs, and they chose UNAPEN.

See Maryann's video testimonial here:
“UNAPEN, Inc. Review: UNAPEN Is a Great Partner”

After using UNAPEN’S ITComplete IT and CyberSecurity Suite of services for over a decade, Maryann Ott rates her experience with UNAPEN 5 stars out of 5:

They're a great company to work with. The biggest area UNAPEN excels in is actually their attitude. They are always so willing to help. They're reliable and have just a really positive attitude about helping. They've done everything we've ever asked them to do and helped with anything we've needed help with. They go above and beyond.

“We heard about UNAPEN because we got referred. I did a little bit of homework looking for a reliable IT company and got some references and got a glowing recommendation from another nonprofit organization and made the one phone call. And right from the beginning, they've just been fantastic partners.”

“Another thing that influenced me was as a charitable foundation, we really care about the community, especially about the non-profit community, and UNAPEN is really engaged in the local community. They're involved with the Chamber of Commerce"

"They have many non-profits as clients. Their fees are reasonable. Like I said before, they go the extra mile. They just had every characteristic and quality that we would want in an IT partner, and it was really that simple.

Call UNAPEN at 203.269.6111 to find out how
we can help your business or organization!