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Call for Artists - Autumn Arts Festival

Posted: 07/14/2024

Arts Center Killingworth and Spectrum Gallery announce a Call for Representational and Abstract Painters, Sculptors, Illustrators, Photographers, Original Printmakers, Fabric Artists, Glass and Wood Artisans, Jewelry Designers and Crafters for the 2024 Madison Town Green Outdoor Autumn Arts Festival. Open to visual artists working in oil, acrylic, watercolor, photography, pencil and charcoal, pen & ink, paper, mixed media, fabric, glass, wood, stone and clay.

 Dates, Times, Location Saturday, October 12 (10-5pm) and Sunday, October 13 (12-5pm). Raindate: Oct. 14 (10- 5pm). Madison Town Green, Boston Post Road (Route 1) and Copse Road, Madison CT Submission Process Materials Needed Participation Fee To ensure a variety of work at the Festival, there is a maximum of 75 Exhibitors, limited by medium. Email jpegs and a short bio to THREE DIGITAL IMAGES OF ARTWORK (HIGH RESOLUTION JPEGS, 300dpi, 500KB-2MB) Must Include Title, Materials used and Size under each jpeg. In the subject line of the email please note: Submissions for Autumn Arts Festival ARTIST BIOGRAPHY. Maximum 300 words. Needs to be written in the 3rd person. Describe artistic style, awards, education, participation in art shows, and other noteworthy information. Word Document only. DO NOT send bios as images (i.e. JPEGs) or as PDFs. Full resumes or CVs are NOT accepted and will be returned to artist for resubmission.