We are excited to introduce and launch our new Middlesex Information eXchange (MIX), and we are looking for chamber members to join us for peer exchange discussions to brainstorm, relaunch and optimize your business operations during and post COVID-19.
Participants will be a part of a network for support and guidance with various other like industries aimed at obtaining information related to such topics as:
· Best practices during and post COVID-19
· Business loans during and post COVID-19
· Human resources during and post COVID-19
· Workforce Optimization during and post COVID-19
· Navigating unemployment policies during and post COVID-19
· Navigating daily COVID-19 crises
· Any other topic that participants want to address!
The Middlesex Information eXchange (MIX) group will include representatives from the following industries:
Non-Profit Agencies
Small Owner Managed Service
Health Care
Each MIX group will be facilitated by a Chair who will facilitate the meetings and create the necessary contacts with third party speakers who will provide beneficial information to the participants. The goal is for each business to focus on the adjustments necessary during COVID-19 for growth and resilience.
This is not a professional advice forum. Rather, it is a peer to peer learning group. Groups may at times choose to bring in professionals to give advice but the main goal is to connect like business owners who can learn from each other and share ideas!
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM EST
via Zoom
Haley Stafford
Send Email
Printed courtesy of www.middlesexchamber.com/ – Contact the Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce for more information.
393 Main St., Middletown, CT 06457 – (860) 347-6924 – info@middlesexchamber.com